Sunday, November 04, 2007

Canon EOS 40D

Well you've probably read about the breathtaking feature list of the Canon EOS 40D. I was reluctant to post anything here, since simply everyone was praising the camera so much. Finally I found quite a balanced read (go for the conclusion) here.

If you're not waiting for the Canon EOS 5d follow up, if full format sensors are not your thing - then get the 40D right away.

[Update August 2008:] meanwhile I bought the camera too. The cam is close to perfect for my use, the price was right and I was not willing to pay more for a 50D.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Logitech keyboard

Called "Access Keyboard 600" this might be your choice if you work in a data center, where cordless keyboards are forbidden (doesn't make much sense these days, but rules are rules :-(

UPDATE 04.nov. - actually I bought one right after posting here. Please take note, that the feeling when you type resembles a usual keyboard more than the quiet and soft MX3200. Personally I like the keys of my 3200 much more, but also got good feedback for the access keyboard 600.