Wednesday, May 13, 2009

my desktop

just thought ... hey my desktop looks cool ;-)

interfacelift / clocks

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

internet media

Friends often don't seem to realize, why being a consumer of  "the internet" isn't anything bad. Media published in the internet is often much closer to reality - more authentic than your local newspaper or local tv station could ever be. It took me many years to fully understand and give into this fact. is a complicate place - and hey it's everything else than free of special interest groups. The same goes for and their forks, but when it comes to freedom of speech etc. they are lightyears beyond the currently established classic publications.

Here's a good example of media - coming to you through and because of the internet:
Digg Dialogg with Richard Branson [22 Min, original digg URL not working anymore - 06 Aug 2014]

"I'm a great believer in life, in saying yes and not saying no"
"I'm a great believer in working hard"
"you don't have the same color scheme during the whole flight"
"sadly - the death of record labels is pretty much upon us"
"time is being done, record labels are almost a thing from the past"
"because the money goes to the bands, it's not necessarily a bad thing if record companies disapear"
"elders using moral authoritiy to go and address conflicts"


Thursday, May 07, 2009

Star Trek XI

go watch this movie!
if you enjoyed any of the Star Trek episodes on TV - then
don't hesitate and go watch this movie!

I was in the first scheduled show in my hometown - my own little birthday present ;-)
totally didn't expect it to be this entertaining - truly a total surprise!!
The way the caracters are introduced and everything else... a perfect experience.

Back at home I checked in on rottentomatoes - the score is extreme! 96%

box office
official site
*spoiler alert* TRAILER don't watch it! Just head to the movies.

take a beer can with you - sit back and n'joy...

Saturday, May 02, 2009

eingelegte Gehirne

Wieder einmal ein Interview, das etwas aus der Reihe tanzt.

Holsboer: Viele Patienten akzeptieren es dankbar, wenn ich sage: Sie haben eine Stoffwechselstörung, die sich auf Ihr Befinden und Verhalten auswirkt, und die korrigieren wir jetzt. Ich werbe dafür, Depression als organische Krankheit zu sehen und nicht als etwas, wofür man sich schämen müsste. Am Magengeschwür war früher die Schwiegermutter schuld oder die Kindheit. Dann fand man heraus, es ist ein Bakterium. Das war ein schlechter Tag für die Psychoanalyse! Ich bleibe dabei: Das subjektive Erleben ist nicht grundsätzlich etwas anderes als Rheuma oder Diabetes.

...weiterlesen []
