Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What is pnaico.exe

You ran msconfig to check your Windows7's startup programs and found pnaico.exe.20FBBF0A_A7E5_4BDE_9798_9811C3D135AC.exe ? huh?
Of course you googled for pnaico.exe and only found rather weird answers.

This is what I found: It's all about having "Citrix Online plug-in" v11 installed on your system (program neighbourhood agent ico). This is by no means caused by malware. Most likely you installed this program to connect remotely to your work or campus.

and again: run "msconfig" and deactivate the two automatic startup commands as shown in the screenshot, but don't assume an attack on your comp.
That's how you get rid of the annoying Change Server dialog shown below.
You can always start the app from the start menu if you're in need later.


  1. Nice. I had exactly this problem. Thanx!

  2. Thank you for posting this info :)

  3. and again: tthx!! that's just what I wanted to know!

  4. Thanks. I found the Citrix one and disabled but didn't know the purpose of this one. Your info was perfect. Thanks for posting.

  5. Short and into the center! Thank you

  6. You're all welcome. Thanks for your comments.

  7. I have Citrix installed so I can remote into work. It isn't easily identifiable, so I was suspicious after chasing off a virus. This information was extremely helpful. Thank you.

  8. This might be the best tech blog post I've read. Short, sweet, and right on the money.

  9. ...and that was the nicest comment I got so far. It's appreciated.

  10. More posts need to be this concise and comprehensive. You saved me a great deal of searching and sifting through useless posts. Much appreciated!

  11. nice info, I would suggest however that that avatar/graphic is NSFW in places like mine. thank you still

  12. Answered my query nicely - thanks!

  13. Muchas gracias, aclare mi duda con su publicacion. Thanks, this post helped me a lot!

    Greetings from Costa Rica

  14. *high-5* -the quickest search/solution time ~ever; hat's off to this. You've just inspired me to blog about something I learned today. It's never an expectation to find the answer or solution to an uncommon circumstance written to provide straight forward, precise, and credible info.

    It is a skill to find answers to questions like this timely. The internet is like what many belive space to be; infinite. Share the knowledge! In the future we'll save the time spent researching; scanning similar articles to no end. Actually utilize that lucky feeling Google put's in your little hart and click the button, learn it, and spend the extra time learning or continuing on with what it is you really enjoy in life! YEAH. Motivation!! I'm going to bed..

    Quality post.


  15. So will Citrix still work or not?

    1. Yes it will continue to work. Only difference is that the services are being loaded, when you really need them and not everytime you're using the comp. You can always go back an reactivate the autostart features (with msconfig) if they better suit your workflow.

  16. Thanks for this.

    Good information gives peace of mind.

  17. Haha! Stop reading my mind! Thanks for the help.
