Monday, September 03, 2012

Autechre - Eutow (tri repetae)

for six years I've been using youtube with an all time login uiaiui. They track my favs and views, my likes and comments - the whole nine yards, you name it.

Tonight I check out on my wife, having a chit chat in the bathroom. She showers, I'm also checking out the android youtube app. While browsing through the suggested vids? Out of the nowhere.
wut the heck? WUT THE FRIKKING HECK??

Autechre? So this psycho youtube algorithms lead me to fav music from 15 yrs back?
Wow. I'm truly impressed.

youtube will blow away most of tv how we know it today within the next two decades

(update dec 22 2012 > the original vid was removed by the user. embeded the same song but a different vid, so u have a chance to understand what I'm blabbering about)

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